Wednesday, September 25, 2013

[Report] agefarre (velfarre x ageHa Cyber TRANCE) 2013

I went clubbing to ageHa (studio coast) in Tokyo on September 22, 2013. An event name is "velfarre x ageHa Cyber TRANCE 2013". As you may know, the "Cyber TRANCE" is a legendary dance event which was held at "velfarre" in Roppongi, Tokyo on every Saturday until 2006.

An opening time of the "Cyber TRANCE 2013" was 11 pm, so I went to the ageHa (studio coast) around 10:30 pm to buy a ticket. I had been thinking there would be a line to buy tickets, but surprisingly, I found there was a quite long line reached around middle point of a bridge which is located between the studio coast and the Shinkiba-station. People who have an experience to go to the studio coast may know how long the line was. There were so many people to buy the tickets.

As a result, I was in the line for 2 hours until I could enter the studio coast. For 2 hours to enter a nighclub! If you are a clubber, you may understand how much popular the "Cyber TRANCE 2013" was!

When I entered an ARENA which is a main floor of the ageHa, I found there were many people already. And sound.. yeah, it was the Cyber TRANCE. I was really excited hearing the sound. I could see some friends there. I felt happy seeing them, who love the Trance and dancing very much, at that amazing event at the ageHa studio coast!

The time passed so quickly. Just only one time, I went drinking to a bar at an ISLAND which is one of sub floors of the ageHa. And for the remaining time, I feel I was dancing continuously without any rest except for several times of going to the restroom. I totally forgot the time going by.

This is a video which I took there. Although a sound of the video is cracked because it was taken by iPhone and near the speaker, I think you could feel the exciting atmosphere.

The main floor ARENA became the most exciting and dramatic in the early morning. Some people were impressed and crying around me. When I saw them who were crying, I reminded lots of good memories of the Cyber TRANCE at the velfarre almost 10 years ago and also was impressed so much and finally crying. Tears did not stop dropping from my eyes. How moved and impressed the Cyber TRANCE was! How awesome it was..

Following video was taken at the ending part of the event. Most people were remaining on the floor and dancing even though the morning has come. (* Sorry for hard-to-listening, this video's sound is also cracked..)

The Cyber TRANCE was the original point of my DJ life. I was able to make some nice clubber friends at the velfarre. I really loved the Cyber TRANCE and the velfarre, so probably its good memories got me moved and to cry.

I want to say thank you for the Cyber TRNACE, the velfarre and all the people who made this awesome party "Cyber TRANCE 2013" at the ageHa studio coast. I was really happy there.

Thank you.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

[DJ] 感動するイベント、幸せを感じる瞬間、記憶に残る時間





















Sunday, September 15, 2013

[Vancouver] バンクーバー、深夜の記憶の欠片


ダウンタウン (※バンクーバーで一番発展しているエリア) を初めて歩いた時、まるで天国か未来の世界にいるように感じた。










YouTube でバンクーバーの Time Lapse を見つけた。







Thursday, September 12, 2013

[DJ] Blue Light - 青、そしてワクワクする気持ち









Friday, September 6, 2013

[DJ] How to mix Trance or other 4-beat-dance-music (for your reference)

There are many ways of mixing tracks in the field of the Trance, I think.  Probably they are ones of individuality of each DJs.  So please think as this is one sample of mixing way of a DJ, just my way, for your reference.  You do not need to copy this perfectly, but please arrange as you like with your free spirits.  Or of course you can do as your own style you found.

I am currently using a PCDJ "TRAKTOR" and a DJ controller "DDJ-ERGO".  I, however, think the mixing way described here would be similar way even if you are using other PCDJ devices, or not only in PCDJ style but also kind of CDJ styles. I also think same thing can be said for other music genre like House, Techno, Electro, Psychedelic, etc. as in a genre of 4-beat-dance-music, not only for Trance.

Okay, well.. this is my way of mixing Trance tracks.

An image below is a display of the TRAKTOR as you may know.  A track in left side just has started playing after being mixed with previous track.  As soon as mixing is finished from previous track, next track should be set in another side, the right side in this image.  This is because the next track needs to be checked and arranged by monitoring with headphone.

Firstly, the next track should be set 2 things.  One is match the BPM (Beat per minute) to the track now playing.  The other one is to set a CUE, which is a starting point of the next track when we tap the START button.

Once they are set, the next track need to be checked whether or not the beats match to the current playing track by headphone monitoring playing the next track for a while.  I think the easiest way to check the synchronization of both tracks is to hear the Kick (Bass drum) sounds.  If the beats are not matched, the BPM needs to be changed slightly or beat-grids, if needed, are also moved / arranged.

Of course you can use the "sync" function as well.  But please note the beat-grid created automatically by TRAKTOR is not perfect.  It is not so many but we sometimes need to move or arrange it.  Or just to play the next track with slight forward or backward position like an image below.  Please believe the sound you can hear with your ears, not a display you can see with your eyes.

Once the setting of the next track is finished, we can do anything we like until the current playing track comes close to the ending part.  It's up to you what you do. Looking for the next track, playing with effects, DJ performance, Sleeping...  Oops, sleeping may not be good, I think.

Next track is started once the current playing track comes close to the ending part, or any position you like is also okay.  Please choose the starting point according to your DJ style.

After final checking for the matching of the beats by monitoring, all the equalizers "LOW", "MID" and "HI" are set to the lowest position and the channel feeder is raised to the highest position.

Listening to both the sound you can hear in the floor / DJ booth and the sound you can hear in monitoring headphone, mixing is conducted by equalizing of "LOW", "MID" and "HI".

Please note the equalizing / mixing affects directly to the sound in the floor.  If the equalizing / mixing is done smoothly, the sound changes smoothly.  If the equalizing / mixing is rough, the sound in the floor changes roughly.  But the most important thing for mixing is the beat matching.  So I think it is okay that equalizing by only using the "LOW" for the first step if using all the LOW / MID / HI is difficult for you.  I also did so when I was a newcomer.

After finishing the equalizing, the channel feeder of the former playing track is downed to the lowest position.

The display of the TRAKTOR is like an image below.

Okay, finally, we did mixing from the track on left side to the track on right side.  Please choose the next track and set to the left side.

As I mentioned in the beginning part of this article, this mixing way is just my way, so it is just for your reference.  You can do as you like with your own DJ style.  Unique style could make unique mixing and unique sound.  It's up to you.

Enjoy DJing !!

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